SORRY, OUR WAITING LIST IS CURRENTLY CLOSED - Due to exceptionally high demand, we are unable to accept new waiting list requests for the foreseeable future.

Our Uniform

Since the beginning of our organisation, our uniform has been an important part of our identity and it continues to be one of the key features of scouting.

We expect our members to wear the uniform of their section to every session unless they are told specifically not to. In the event of warm weather, members should continue to bring their uniform jumpers and will be asked to wear them for a few minutes for the section’s opening and closing ceremony.

Jumpers should always be name labelled so they can be taken off for games etc. The Group sells in-expensive branded casual t-shirts which can be worn under uniform jumpers/for games but not instead of uniform.

Badges must only be sewn onto uniform jumpers and not onto polos, t-shirts etc.

Our Uniform is:

  • A Uniform Jumper  – Red for Squirrels, Blue for Beavers, Green for Cubs, Navy for Sea Scouts
  • A Uniform Shirt (explorers only)
  • Group Necker/scarf (you will receive once invested)
  • Sea Scout Hat (Sea Scout and Explorer sections only)
  • Smart trousers/skirt (only required for parading)

Optional items:

  • Polo/tshirts
  • Group Hoodies

Scouts from each section in uniform


Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls