SORRY, OUR WAITING LIST IS CURRENTLY CLOSED - Due to exceptionally high demand, we are unable to accept new waiting list requests for the foreseeable future.
Movements Policy

Movements Policy

Chorlton Scout Group is an exceptionally popular scout group with over 450 youth members (compared to the average group size of 60 young people) and there are hundreds more waiting for places. As such we have needed to instigate a formal policy on moving sections. This policy was last reviewed by the executive committee of Chorlton Scout Group in November 2022.

Choosing a section

We operate a single waiting list for all sections. Places are allocated in accordance with our waiting list policy, If when you join the waiting list you want your child to attend on a specific evening, simply email us stating your preference(s). If you haven’t specified a particular evening then a place will be offered on the next available one – please think carefully before accepting as it will not usually possible to switch between sections later until moving up to the next age group. You may prefer to remain on the waiting list until your desired section has availability.

Moving up at the end of a section

The decision to move a child up to the next section of Scouting rests with the section leader, under normal circumstances the following will apply.

Squirrel Scouts will move up the term after they turn 6

Beaver Scouts will move up the term after they turn 8

Cub Scouts will move up the term after they turn 10 years 6mths

Scouts will move up to Explorers between the ages of 13.5 and 14.5

Section leaders will try to move young people up in groups where birthdays allow, and will endeavour to ensure at least 1 friend moves to the same section they do. Where there a multiple options to move up (e.g multiple Beaver colonies to choose from) we will contact you to ask for a preference. Please note whilst we will try to accommodate preferences, this will depend on there being places available. We are unable to exceed the maximum section size capacities for any reason.

Moving sections mid way through

A Group our size takes a great deal of work and behind the scenes admin to operate, additionally we have hundreds of children waiting to join, many of whom will be waiting for a specific evening. Moving from one section to another creates additional work for the admin team in OSM and for the finance team as our system prevents direct debits from following you from section to section, meaning new mandates need creating every time a change is made. For these reasons we will not normally allow transfers from one section to another unless it is moving up. If you believe there are exceptional circumstances that necessitate a change then please contact the GSL.

For guidance, wanting to start a new club on your Scouts night or be with a friend on another evening is not likely to be approved.

Leaving Scouts

Scouts is a membership, with membership fees due each month all year round. To cancel your membership simply email – Membership will then cease from the following month. E.g if you let us know on the last day of the month, we won’t charge membership in the next month.

If you are changing scout groups we may be able to transfer your OSM record to your new group, to facilitate this please email us.

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls