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Bear Grylls leads call for Scout Volunteers

Date: 27th May 2021 Author: Chorlton Scouts

Volunteering at Scouts isn’t just about changing young people’s lives. It’s about doing something that’s #GoodForYou too. Good for your health and happiness, good for developing skills, and good for making friends.

Why volunteering is #GoodForYou

Volunteering for Scouts is:

  • good for your skills and CV
  • good for your health and happiness
  • good for your family and community.

In short, it’s good for you!

Get in touch for more info on the volunteering opportunities on offer


#GoodForYou – A message from Bear Grylls from Scouts on Vimeo.

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls